Terms and Conditions
- No imagery generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) generators such as (but not limited to) Midjourney or Dall-E is eligible for this competition. The BIPP represents Professional Photographers.
- Images created in attendance at a workshop, training course, masterclass or under the guidance of a third party etc, are not eligible in any category.
- The primary image of each entry (not including backgrounds or items used for retouching, such as eyelashes, hair strands etc.) must have been captured after 1st January 2023
- All entrants must be members of the BIPP.
- Copyright of the images remains with the photographer. However, by entering the competition, the photographer accepts and recognises that the BIPP may use the images entered for training purposes, for publicity, for publication in ‘The Photographer Magazine’, can be used on the BIPP and associated Websites and in any other promotional material deemed relevant.
- All images are judged anonymously.
- It is the photographer’s responsibility to meet all appropriate criteria.
- The BIPP reserves the right to disqualify any entry that fails to meet the criteria or, in its opinion, may breach or contravene legal guidelines on public decency or may otherwise bring the photographer or the BIPP into disrepute. Any costs incurred by the BIPP in such a situation will be reimbursed by the photographer.
- All entries must have been created by the person entering the image.
- By entering The Awards, the entrant acknowledges that permission has been obtained for that entry to be published and exhibited by BIPP and that any necessary copyright or release has been obtained.
- Details of all winners will be sent to relevant press/media contacts.
- No names or identifying digital file.
- If entering wedding images, the entrant must have been the official and primary photographer at the wedding.
- The Judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The BIPP reserves the right to change any of the above without prior notice.
- Information is correct at the time of publication.